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The Meta Health Podcast

Mar 14, 2023

The pentose phosphate pathway, which I refer to as P3, is one of my favorite metabolic pathways and one that gets far less attention than glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, and Krebs, yet plays such a key role in our body. In this episode we go over the following:

  • Brief refresher on glycolysis and coenzymes using James...

Apr 12, 2022

Glucose variability (GV) is an important metric that expands upon the current limited application of fasting blood glucose and hemoglobin A1C. In this episode we'll discuss:

  • The limitations of A1C and fasting blood glucose
  • What is GV and why it matters?
  • How GV is related to inflammation and chronic disease
  • Glucose...

Mar 22, 2022

The hemoglobin A1C is a useful, yet imperfect glycemic marker which we'll explore further in this episode where we discuss:

  • The origins of the glycohemoglobin test (aka A1C)
  • The flaws of A1C testing and why you may not be prediabetic
  • Insulin resistant markers that should accompany A1C testing
  • The impact of ethnicity on...

Mar 3, 2022

There are significant ethnicity-specific differences in metabolism and heart disease risk that are not often discussed. In this episode we cover:

  • A brief overview of insulin resistance (IR) and the renin angiotensin system (aka RAS)
  • How IR and RAS present in major ethnic groups like African Americans, Asians (including...

Feb 15, 2022

I'm going to explain the interaction between blood pressure, body fat, and sodium by explaining the all important RAAS (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system). Understanding this system can help you optimize blood pressure, heart, and overall vascular health. We'll discuss the following:

  • Understanding how RAAS works
  • How...